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Healthy Back-to-School Breakfast Ideas

Well, folks, it’s that time of year: back-to-school season. If you want your kid to succeed this year, start their day off with this essential element: breakfast. According to the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), breakfast is key to academic success. Skipping breakfast hinders a child’s ability to learn, whereas eating breakfast helps improve a child’s academic performance and behavior. Therefore, I am going to share with you a few healthy back-t0-school breakfast ideas.

Healthy Back-to-School Breakfast Ideas

Low-Sugar Cereal

healthy breakfast

If your mornings are chaotic, don’t fret, you don’t have to cook up a gourmet breakfast for it to be healthy. There are many healthy cereal options available nowadays. When shopping for cereal, it’s best to look for something low in sugar and higher in fiber. Cereals such as Cheerios and Wheat Squares are healthy and not any more expensive than one’s loaded with sugar. Adding fruit and/or honey is a great way to enhance the flavor and nutritional value. I would also recommend using 1% or 2% milk rather than whole milk.

Peanut Butter Banana Toast

peanut butter banana toast

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Peanut butter banana toast is one of my favorite breakfasts. To make it as healthy as possible, use whole grain bread. To make it I usually use 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and one banana thinly sliced and layered on top. I add honey and cinnamon for additional flavor. If your child is allergic to peanut butter use an alternative such as almond or sun butter.

Yogurt Bowl

yogurt bowl

Photo by Life Of Pix from Pexels

A yogurt bowl or parfait is a great source of calcium and protein. I suggest using plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt because the sweetened ones usually have tons of added cane sugar. To sweeten the yogurt, especially for kids, I add honey, because it is natural and contains nutrients. I also add berries and granola on top as well! One of my favorite yogurt bowl concoctions includes honey, peanut butter, blueberries, and granola.

Healthy Pancakes

gluten-free banana pancakes recipe

I made these gluten-free banana oat pancakes the other day and loved them! They are a great, healthy breakfast to make for the kiddos on a morning when you have some extra time to spare. I posted the recipe in last week’s blog!