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Signs You Are Not Getting Quality Sleep

Despite the all-nighters of college and the late nights hitting deadlines at work, a lack of rest will have considerable effects on your performance. If you’re having issues going to bed even when you have the time, you may need to reevaluate your routine for better sleep. Your body talks to you, here are the signs you are not getting quality sleep.

The Effects of Poor Sleep on the Body

Skin Issues

Bags under your eyes are a common sign of poor sleep, but there is truth to this hyperbolic visualization. Redness, puffiness, and dark circles under your eyes are often a result of sleep deprivation. Sleep deprivation can lead to more wrinkles, lines, and droopiness over time. Remember the old adage, “get your beauty sleep”, it’s true. Deep sleep stages promote hormone control and tissue repair that dictate skin health. Poor sleep can also be seen in more breakouts because your body isn’t getting deep sleep and tissue repair. A lack of rest also hurts your immune system, which makes you more acne-prone.


The hormones ghrelin and leptin control how hungry you feel. When you don’t sleep well, your body doesn’t regulate hormones as easily, which gives you the urge to eat more food. Tiredness also contributes to a lack of impulse control. Without impulse control, you tend to choose unhealthier options, like greasy or sugary foods. Caffeine intake will also increase to combat exhaustion, but after a cup of joe or two, you’ll find adverse effects kick into your routine. Excess soda or coffee in your system will make you more alert in the short term, but they can later contribute to a crash or a feeling of anxiety.

Moodiness & Inability to Focus

Better sleep quality can have a significant influence on your mood the following day. When you’re asleep, your body alternates between two major categories of rest:

  • “Quiet” sleep: body temperature drops, muscles relax, and heart rate and breathing slow. This cycle boosts immune function as well as other physiological changes.
  • Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep: body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and breathing are at similar levels to when you’re awake. This period is when you dream and enhances learning, memory, and positive emotional health.

When this cyclic pattern is disrupted, the brain experiences impaired thinking and emotional regulation due to affected levels of neurotransmitters and stress hormones. As a result, you wake up feeling “off” and will have issues focusing on tasks or controlling your impulse emotions. These problems can occur with even the slightest loss of sleep. A recent study from the University of South Florida found that those who lose just 16 minutes of rest every night will have trouble with focus and productivity the next day.

How to Establish a Routine for Better Sleep

When you feel like your nighttime habits are interfering with your day-to-day work, it’s essential to evaluate your nighttime routine to promote better sleep quality. If it takes you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep or you regularly wake up more than once a night, your habits before bed may need to change. The temperature in your bedroom can even cause issues with rest, as spaces that are too warm or cold can interfere with your ability to fall asleep.

To give yourself the best shot at better sleep, create a tranquil bedtime routine, and stick to it. Read a book or listen to relaxing music, and try getting in bed at the same time every night. Eliminating screen time 30 minutes before bedtime can also help alleviate the awakening effects of the blue light emitted from your phone or television. If you depend on caffeine throughout the day, lower your intake, and eliminate it from your late afternoons—up to six hours before bedtime. Set your thermostat between 60- and 67-degrees Fahrenheit to take temperature issues out of the equation.

Change your sleep routine with DREAMit from itSpray DREAMit Sleep Spray

Are you ready to sleep better? Have better skin, cut cravings and reduce moodiness?

DREAMit from itSpray can help. Spray up to 7 sprays under your tongue, relax your mind, stay asleep, and no groggy mornings. Helpt support your bodies natural sleep cycle



When you’re still having trouble getting to bed, throw a sleep aid—like itSpray DREAMit—into the mix to get your nighttime routine back on track. With a natural blend of vitamins and minerals in a convenient, fast-acting spray, you’ll doze off in no time. For more information about DREAMit or any of our spray vitamins, give us a call today at (813)856-5350.