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How to Make Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

How to Make Realistic New Year's Resolutions

How to Make Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! We have finally reached 2021, which is hopefully better than 2020. You probably have many resolutions for this year to become happier and healthier. New year’s resolutions are a great way to recognize areas of improvement within our lives. However, it is important to make realistic resolutions that you will stick to long-term. This article gives tips on how to set attainable goals for the new year.

Make small, realistic changes

If your new year’s resolution is to lose 50lbs, rather than cutting out all carbs and spending hours at the gym every day, start by making small changes. For instance, if you eat dessert every day, cut it down to a few times a week. If you only workout once a week, try to go to the gym 3 times a week. Don’t waste time trying to adjust to drastic changes such as dieting, but instead spend time creating a healthy lifestyle you can commit to long-term.

Repetition, not perfection

According to “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, new habits are built over time—not within the first week of January. A book reviewer on discussed Clear’s ideas and concluded that small wins are the key. Strive for consistency and repetition rather than perfection. For instance, if your resolution is to get in shape, strive to simply go to the gym a few times a week rather than every single day. The same goes for eating healthier. It is almost impossible to have the “perfect diet”, therefore get into the habit of eating a fruit after dinner instead of a big bowl of ice cream.

Cue, Craving, Response, Reward

To create realistic New Year’s resolutions you need to know how to create new habits and break old ones. reviews the four steps discussed in “Atomic Habits” to create a good habit and break a bad habit. These four steps include cue, craving, response, and reward. To create a good habit, you need to make it obvious (cue), make it attractive (craving), make it easy (response), and make it satisfying (reward). On the other hand, to break a bad habit, you need to make it invisible (cue), make it unattractive (craving), make it difficult (response), and make it unsatisfying (reward). For a more in-depth explanation click here.

Create a healthy lifestyle with itSpray

Sleep and immunity are important for a healthy lifestyle. You will be able to accomplish your new year’s resolutions with a good night’s rest and a strong immune system. BOOSTit, a natural solution for immune support and DREAMit, a natural solution for sleep will give your body the nutrients it needs to take on the new year!

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