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The Many Health Benefits of Bell Peppers

In the last article, I presented the food network’s delicious stuffed pepper recipe. Aside from the the tastiness of this dish, it is extremely nutritious. Most of the nutrients come from the featured ingredient – bell peppers. Therefore, in this article, I will talk about the many health benefits of bell peppers according to healthline.

Bell peppers contain many vitamins and minerals

The vitamins within bell peppers include vitamin C, B6, K1, E, A, and folate (B9). One medium bell pepper contains 169% of the recommended amount of vitamin C, which is essential for immune support. Vitamin C also helps the gut absorb more iron which helps prevent anemia. Anemia is usually caused by a lack of iron in the diet and is characterized by fatigue and weakness. The intensity of these symptoms increases for women during their period because of high blood loss. Speaking of blood, vitamins B6 and K1 promote blood health. They help create red blood cells and support blood clotting. Vitamin K1 also helps keep the bones strong and healthy. Lastly, vitamin E supports nerve and muscle health.

Potassium, the important mineral within bell peppers, supports heart health.

Bell peppers contain many antioxidants

Antioxidants help protect the body against free radicals, prevent chronic conditions, and may even improve eye health. For instance, the antioxidant, lutein and the carotenoid, zeaxanthin, protect the retina from damage caused by free radicals.

Which color has the most nutrients?health benefits of bell peppers

Bell peppers come in red, green, yellow, and orange. WebMD says that red peppers contain the most nutrients because they stay on the vine for the longest amount of time. Green peppers have been on the vine for the least amount of time.

Build a healthy lifestyle

The many health benefits of bell peppers make them both nutritious and delicious. They have important nutrients the body needs to function and are extremely versatile. You can add them to a variety of dishes like pizza and pasta to omelets and breakfast potatoes. The opportunities are endless.

To learn the difference between a healthy lifestyle and dieting, check out our blog titled, “3 Differences Between Lifestyle Changes and Dieting.”