Why Simmer Pots are a Great Addition to your home
Simmer pots are a great way to have your house smell like fall all day long. If you aren’t feeling like baking to achieve the same smells, then simmer pots are for you.
Simmer pots are incredibly easy and customizable. They can range in what you would like to have radiate throughout the house. A popular choice is to add in the classic fall spices such as cinnamon, star anise, and clove.
To make a simmer pot is quite simple. Add in some water to a pot and let it get to a low boil. Add in whatever spices are preferred, normally whole spices work best. A great addition is to add in fruit and citrus such as oranges or apples to balance the spices. Let it boil for a couple hours uncovered to radiate the coziness of fall all over the house.This is a great way to get into the spirit of the cold seasons and bring warmth to the home. It can help get rid of the stale air that can occur form the cold climate.
Another great addition to help you acclimate to the colder temperatures is an immunity spray. Using a couple sprays of a vitamin-boosting spray each day can help rid against the season’s common colds that linger.