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4 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy On-The-Go with itSpray

4 Ways to Stay Healthy On-The-Go

“I want to be healthy, but I just don’t have the time right now.” For most, this cliché is more than a meaningless excuse: we do live incredibly busy lives, and finding hours a day to dedicate specifically towards wellness can often feel like a helpless pursuit. At itSpray, we subscribe to the philosophy that wellness begins with tiny habit shifts, and targeted reforms to your daily routine. We’ve compiled a list of habits that are curated for a busy lifestyle which can be incorporated into a regular workday on-the-go, so you can stay healthy on-the-go:


  1. Bring water everywhere. 

Staying hydrated is a matter of consistency. Carry a reusable bottle with you: in your bag, in the car, at your office. That way, you’re constantly reminded to hydrate.


  1. Take the stairs. 

No time for the gym? There are plenty of ways to remain active without explicitly dedicating time to work out. Minuscule changes such as taking the stairs rather than an elevator, or investing in a standing desk, will make a massive difference when it comes to general fitness. Small changes make all the difference when it comes to staying healthy on-the-go.


  1. Opt for non-processed snacks.

Anyone living a busy, work-oriented lifestyle knows that there’s not always time in the day for a sit-down meal. Such a lifestyle results in a necessity for on-the-go snacks and smaller meals that provide nourishment and energy without the time drain, so you can stay healthy on-the-go. Rather than packing processed, sugary snacks–which ultimately provide little satisfaction and no long-lasting energy–, opt for snacks that are high in protein. Nuts and certain granola bars will sustain you for several hours. Why? Protein takes longer for the body to break down than carbohydrates (sugar). Don’t believe us? Check out this study.


  1. Stay nourished with healthy on-the-go vitamins.

Vitamins and supplements provide essential nourishment to the body, boost the immune system, and promote cellular repair. For individuals with a busy, high-volume schedule, taking multiple pills on a daily basis becomes an easily-forgettable task. itSpray mouth sprays provide all the essential vitamins in a portable fashion: all the immunity benefits without the inconvenience of taking multiple pills. Using itSpray will allow you to uphold your busy lifestyle while staying healthy on-the-go!

itSpray package of BOOSTit

At the end of the day, wellness comes down to the notion of planning ahead. So, next time you leave for work in the morning, take a moment to be proactive: grab a water bottle, throw some high protein snacks in your bag, spritz some itSpray vitamin mist in your mouth, and hit the road.


Related Article: Dreamit for Wellness and Beauty this Travel Season

Related Article: The Do’s and Don’ts of Staying Healthy While Traveling


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